Beam Visualizations

This page gives some interactive visualizations of beams under load.

Euler–Bernoulli beam theory is a method for calculating the behavior of beams under load. It gives us the differential equation relating beam deflection \(v\) to loads \(M\). \[M = -EI \frac{d^2v}{dx^2}\] Where

We can be lazy with physical dimensions since the visualizations have no basis in physical reality. Don't do this in any serious engineering application.
\(E\) and \(I\), relate to the beam cross section geometry and material properties. We can just set them to 1, making our equation \[M = -\frac{d^2v}{dx^2}\] This is a second order ordinary differential equation. \(M\) is a function of just \(x\), therefore it can be solved using direct integration: \[v(x) = \int \int M dx dx\] For example, the cantilever beam in the first visualization has an internal moment distribution \[M = F(x-L)\] Integrating twice gives \[v = F \left(\frac{x^3}{6} - \frac{Lx^2}{2} + C_1x+C_2\right)\] Applying our two boundary conditions for the cantilever beam
  1. when \(x=0, v=0\)
  2. when \(x=0, v'=0\)
gives \(C_1=C_2=0\).
Our final equation for \(v\) is then \[v = \frac{Fx^2}{6}(x-3L)\] which is what is used in the visualization for the cantilever beam.

Cantilever Beam

The cantilever is a common type of structure where the beam is supported from one side. An example of this is on aircraft, where each wing has a supported end and a free end.

A commercial jet airplane viewed from the front
Airplane wings are cantilevered from a central support


Weight 24


Bridges are supported from both ends, and therefore deflect differently:


Location 24
Weight 8